Travel insurance app

A web app for University study-abroad students to buy travel insurance. Winner of a global hackathon.

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This hackathon project was inspired by my own upcoming study abroad experience.

What it does

Abroad Protector is a fully functioning application which allows University study abroad programs to manage the travel insurance for their students. The study-abroad coordinator is able to:

  1. Add and manage students
  2. Create study-abroad trips
  3. Add students to trips
  4. Purchase travel insurance via Solartis with one click
  5. Send out "insurance purchased" emails to the students
  6. Invite other University coordinators

How I built it

Built using PHP's framework Laravel. Hosted on Heroku. The database is Postgres. Student images and contact info is generated using fake data libraries (obviously these are not real students). All images are from public domain sources.

Since Solartis did not have a PHP API, I have gone ahead and open sourced my Solartis Travel Insurance controller.

Challenges I ran into

Coming up with the initial idea took some time. But as I looked forward to my own upcoming trip, I knew exactly what I would end up making.

In order to make sure that all the data from Abroad Protector was sent to the Solartis API, a lot of tests were written to make sure that the proper data is being passed to and from Solartis. I really enjoyed working with the Solartis travel API.

Accomplishments that I'm proud of

I was able to create the exact thing I had envisioned. I really think this is bootstrapped to be its own startup.


PHP, MySQL, Postgres, Laravel, React, Solartis, Heroku, Stripe.


<!-- Built using Vue, Tailwind, and Astro. Hosted on Vercel. -->